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Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai base

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai brush

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai bubble

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai cloud

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr back

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr front

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr highlight

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr side

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg base

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg brush

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg bubble

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cloud

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cube

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messier

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messy

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg pearl

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg ring

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg stitches

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai base 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai brush 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai bubble 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai cloud 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr back 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr front 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr highlight 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr side 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg base 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg brush 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg bubble 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cloud 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cube 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messier 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messy 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg pearl 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg ring 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg stitches 1

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai base 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai brush 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai bubble 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai cloud 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr back 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr front 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr highlight 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr side 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg base 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg brush 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg bubble 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cloud 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cube 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messier 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messy 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg pearl 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg ring 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg stitches 2

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai base 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai brush 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai bubble 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai cloud 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr back 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr front 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr highlight 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr side 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg base 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg brush 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg bubble 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cloud 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cube 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messier 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messy 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg pearl 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg ring 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg stitches 3

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai base 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai brush 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai bubble 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai cloud 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr back 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr front 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr highlight 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai colr side 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg base 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg brush 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg bubble 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cloud 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg cube 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messier 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg messy 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg pearl 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg ring 4

Bitter Sweet Noise

bianzhidai nobg stitches 4


  • bianzhidai base
  • bianzhidai brush
  • bianzhidai bubble
  • bianzhidai cloud
  • bianzhidai colr back
  • bianzhidai colr front
  • bianzhidai colr highlight
  • bianzhidai colr side
  • bianzhidai nobg base
  • bianzhidai nobg brush
  • bianzhidai nobg bubble
  • bianzhidai nobg cloud
  • bianzhidai nobg cube
  • bianzhidai nobg messier
  • bianzhidai nobg messy
  • bianzhidai nobg pearl
  • bianzhidai nobg ring
  • bianzhidai nobg stitches
  • bianzhidai base 1
  • bianzhidai brush 1
  • bianzhidai bubble 1
  • bianzhidai cloud 1
  • bianzhidai colr back 1
  • bianzhidai colr front 1
  • bianzhidai colr highlight 1
  • bianzhidai colr side 1
  • bianzhidai nobg base 1
  • bianzhidai nobg brush 1
  • bianzhidai nobg bubble 1
  • bianzhidai nobg cloud 1
  • bianzhidai nobg cube 1
  • bianzhidai nobg messier 1
  • bianzhidai nobg messy 1
  • bianzhidai nobg pearl 1
  • bianzhidai nobg ring 1
  • bianzhidai nobg stitches 1
  • bianzhidai base 2
  • bianzhidai brush 2
  • bianzhidai bubble 2
  • bianzhidai cloud 2
  • bianzhidai colr back 2
  • bianzhidai colr front 2
  • bianzhidai colr highlight 2
  • bianzhidai colr side 2
  • bianzhidai nobg base 2
  • bianzhidai nobg brush 2
  • bianzhidai nobg bubble 2
  • bianzhidai nobg cloud 2
  • bianzhidai nobg cube 2
  • bianzhidai nobg messier 2
  • bianzhidai nobg messy 2
  • bianzhidai nobg pearl 2
  • bianzhidai nobg ring 2
  • bianzhidai nobg stitches 2
  • bianzhidai base 3
  • bianzhidai brush 3
  • bianzhidai bubble 3
  • bianzhidai cloud 3
  • bianzhidai colr back 3
  • bianzhidai colr front 3
  • bianzhidai colr highlight 3
  • bianzhidai colr side 3
  • bianzhidai nobg base 3
  • bianzhidai nobg brush 3
  • bianzhidai nobg bubble 3
  • bianzhidai nobg cloud 3
  • bianzhidai nobg cube 3
  • bianzhidai nobg messier 3
  • bianzhidai nobg messy 3
  • bianzhidai nobg pearl 3
  • bianzhidai nobg ring 3
  • bianzhidai nobg stitches 3
  • bianzhidai base 4
  • bianzhidai brush 4
  • bianzhidai bubble 4
  • bianzhidai cloud 4
  • bianzhidai colr back 4
  • bianzhidai colr front 4
  • bianzhidai colr highlight 4
  • bianzhidai colr side 4
  • bianzhidai nobg base 4
  • bianzhidai nobg brush 4
  • bianzhidai nobg bubble 4
  • bianzhidai nobg cloud 4
  • bianzhidai nobg cube 4
  • bianzhidai nobg messier 4
  • bianzhidai nobg messy 4
  • bianzhidai nobg pearl 4
  • bianzhidai nobg ring 4
  • bianzhidai nobg stitches 4


Writing systems


Initialy published on November 15, 2023 and updated on January 2, 2024

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BianZhiDai is a font inspired by shading characters in ASCII art and 编织袋 (woven plastic bag in Simple Chinese). Previously constructed in GDC (glyphdrawingclub, designed and developed by @hlotvonen and @i-tu ), turned into modular when doing the revision.

BianZhiDai is good with colors, especially in combination with different fill/stroke colors. Try it, and play it. Besides, the whole font is modular based, so you can customize it in Glyphs any way you like.

Modular design, or modularity in design, is a design principle that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules (such as modular process skids), which can be independently created, modified, replaced, or exchanged with other modules or between different systems.
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Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic value or environmental value. Upcycling is the opposite of downcycling, which is the other part of the recycling process. Downcycling involves converting materials and products into new materials, sometimes of lesser quality. Most recycling involves converting or extracting useful materials from a product and creating a different product or material.[1] This upcycled cutting board was made from boxcar floorboards that were taken from a railroad salvage yard. Footbridge supported on a former wind turbine blade in Szprotawa The terms upcycling and downcycling were first used in print in an article in SalvoNEWS by Thornton Kay quoting Reiner Pilz and published in 1994.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
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